Condition Surveys
In order to implement an effective repair and protection strategy to a reinforced concrete structure, it is essential to understand the underlying causes of the defects that the structure is exhibiting. Only once these have been thoroughly understood should the structure undergo a programme of remedial treatment.
All buildings require maintenance to their structure over time, these surveys can give an indication of future repairs and maintenance whilst also establishing conditions which need to be addressed at the time of the detailed assessment.
Our surveys are bespoke for each and every building and provides clarity on the condition of a structure or an element of a structure, assuring your building is in a safe and operational condition. They include an overview of the location, the type of structure, technical drawings – even if you do not have any on hand – an a brief summary of the structures condition.
Cemplas have a dedicated team and specialist resources trained in the various diagnostic techniques that are normally required to be undertaken as part of a Concrete Condition Survey of a reinforced concrete structure. We can provide a comprehensive programme of condition testing to help you understand what has happened to your structure.
Carbonation Testing

Hammer Testing

Covermeter Survey

Chloride Analysis

Cement Content Analysis

Half-Cell Contour Mapping

Corrosion Rate Analysis

Visual Assessment

Sounding Surveys

Material Sampling

Technical Drawings

Specifications, BoQ & Budgets

Condition Reports


Building Refurbishment



Water Industry