Cemplas Structural Waterproofing and Concrete Repair Specialists developing the strategies to deliver cost effective solutions

Since 1969, Cemplas Structural Waterproofing and Concrete repair specialists have been using their multidiscipline knowledge and technical expertise problem-solving and developing the best strategies to deliver cost effective solutions to complex new repair and renovation projects, this approach has led to much repeat business from satisfied clients and referrals from Structural Engineers and Building Surveyors.

Working closely with many of the leading Surveying, Engineering and Architects practices utilising our experience, professional services, and full design and installation service, Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs have established a loyal and expanding range of Blue Chip clients from the Private, Commercial, Retail, Industrial, Domestic and Local Authority Housing sectors.

Check out the Cemplas Video

Cemplas Video
The facility was handed back to our client this morning. Both they and the end users are delighted with the end product. All your efforts in getting this project over the line are greatly appreciated. Stating the obvious, we couldn’t do it without you!
Cemplas - Home - Testimonial - Morgan Sindall

Morgan Sindall MD7

Southampton Docks
We’re very pleased with the overall end result and the work that has been carried out is to an excellent standard. The site management team always responded quickly & proactively to our requests.
Cemplas - Home - Testimonial - Knight Frank

Knight Frank

AMP House, Croydon
We have found Cemplas a very reliable and competent company who will work under any constraint we put on them for the safety of our customers and staff. There is constant contact with updates from start to finish and the service is second to none.
cCemplas - Home - Testimonial - Morrisons

WM Morrisons Supermarkets

Various / General
We received excellent technical advice from Cemplas both prior to and during the refurbishment works. Their physical effort on site to complete the works was outstanding. The job was completed well within budget too so overall, we’re very pleased.
Cemplas - Home - Testimonial - Milton Keynes University Hospital

Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust

Milton Keynes Hospital Car Park

Cemplas News

Welcome To The Team Clayton & Lewis

Welcome to the Team, Clayton Webb and Lewis Birchall! We are excited to announce the addition of two new talented professionals to the Cemplas family! Clayton Webb joins us as a Site Supervisor. With his extensive experience and dedication to excellence, Clayton is set to lead our projects with precision and expertise. Welcome aboard, Clayton!... Read more »

Merseyway Shopping Centre Car Park

Works are progressing well at Merseyway Car Park in the Yellow & Green zones. Our team is working diligently to ensure the highest standards of quality. Take a lot at our latest snapshots showcasing the ongoing refurbishment efforts. It's great to see the transformation taking shape! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to... Read more »

Redditch STW

We're pleased to announce the commencement of our latest project at the Severn Trent Water (STW) site in Redditch working for GTS Maintenance. Our skilled team is now on-site, focusing on essential concrete repairs to the digester. After thorough hammer testing to identify the necessary repairs, we are now executing the required work to ensure... Read more »

Naome Acres, Leatherhead

Another project is underway! This time we’re taking a look at our latest site at Naome Acres, Leatherhead. The team have been tasked with fixing a damaged concrete surface, checking for more damage with a visual and hammer inspection, and then making necessary repairs. Finally, we'll lay the concrete back to match the existing slope.... Read more »

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