Client: BDB Design & Build
Role: Specialist Sub-Contractor
- Deck Waterproofing
- Jointing System
- 66 rooftop parking spaces
- 1100m2 replacement
roof deck - Tremco’s fibre-reinforced, rapid curing MMA
deck waterproofing system - Ramp re-waterproofed
- Mechanical movement joint in roof deck using Tremco’s Migua jointing system
New car dealerships are often ‘landlocked’ restricting the volume of parking available for the storage of vehicle stock so the trend is to provide additional parking capacity on the roof of the dealership itself.
The roof deck of this new building had to be completely replaced following the disastrous collapse of the existing roof deck from inadequate design. The replacement comprises a hollow-rib RC slab construction measuring some 1100m2, waterproofed using Tremco’s fibre-reinforced, rapid curing MMA (methyl-methacrylate) deck waterproofing system. The new deck provides 66 rooftop parking spaces, accessed via an incline ramp, also re-wateproofed using the same system (400m2). The new design also incorporated the need for a mechanical movement joint in the roof deck for which Cemplas installed Tremco’s Migua jointing system.