Client: Clifford Devlin Ltd
Role: Specialist Sub-contractor
- Concrete Repair
Corrosion Management (MCI & Anodes)
Deck Waterproofing
Anti-Carbonation Coatings
- Office car park
Split-level structure 15,000m² comprising four separate parking decks of decks re-waterproofed along with 3,000m² of ramps
Soffits, columns & walls protected with anti-carbonation coatings
The scope of this refurbishment was to carry out concrete repairs throughout the double, split-level structure comprising four separate parking decks directly beneath a large office building.

Before: Dark & Unwelcoming Environment

Before: Decks & Columns Unprotected

Deck Breakouts
This was followed by the application of deck waterproofing, anti-carbonation coatings to soffits, columns & walls and installation of movement joints in the parking decks & ramps. Large areas of the reinforced concrete decks had to be re-cast as the result of damage caused by salt-chloride attack to the previously unprotected parking levels.
The decks of this 570-space car park were re-waterproofed using Sikafloor 161 & Pronto 18 to running aisles and parking bays with Sikafloor RB28 used in other areas. Some 15,000m² of decks were re-waterproofed along with 3,000m² of ramps and Sika’s anti-carbonation coatings applied to approximately 17,000m² applied to other concrete surfaces during the 52-week programme.

After: Fully Protected Decks

After: Light & Bright Interior Improvements

Propping during Re-casting