Client: Hankinson Group
Role: Specialist Sub-Contractor
- Concrete Repair
Tapered Insulation
Walkway Re-Waterproofing
- Concrete repair to the stairs & walkways
>180m2 re-waterproofing to surface following tapered insulation and screed build up
Live environment meant precise phasing and programming
The scope of this refurbishment was to add longevity and re-waterproof the first-floor walkways of the structure while working to resolve historic leaks due to water ingress.

Before: Cracked & Failed Asphalt

Before: Water Damaged Concrete Slab

During: Tapered InsulationÂ
Previously, the stairs & walkways of the structure were patch repaired which subsequently failed. It became noticeable that the existing asphalt waterproofing had reached the end of it’s serviceable life and required replacing. Following the stripping of the asphalt back to the original concrete slab which required minor concrete repairs. The removal of the existing railings caused damage to the concrete edge of the stair and walkways which had to be infilled and strengthened to reprofile those damaged sections.
The slab of this structure did not provide a suitable surface meaning a layer of screed was applied to the substrate before a vapour control layer could be applied. Part of the water ingress issue was from ponding water due to the water not being able to run off to the drainage channels. To resolve this, taper insulation was mechanically fixed with two layers of 9mm plywood being laid in opposite directions, staggered to allow water to fall with the new profile created.
To finish the stairs and walkways, a fully reinforced Sika Rapid Trafficable walkway system was applied to provide a watertight and anti-slip finish for the residents of these flats.
Due to the project being a live environment, with the walkway being the only entrance and exit to the properties, precise planning and programming had to be implemented. This also helped with the site being located in the Peak District making it logically challenging to get materials and man power to site.

During: Tapered For Water Run Off

After: Watertight & Fully Protected Walkways

After: Aesthetically Pleasing Walkways & Stairs