Client: Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Role: Principal Contractor
- Concrete Repair
- Deck Waterproofing
- Cathodic Protection System
- >60m3 of concrete repairs
- 2,000 LinM of low-cover deck steel repaired using innovative shallow repair techniques
- 3,700m2 of top deck re-waterproofing
- 1,640m2 of intermediate level repair patches re-waterproofed
The scope of this refurbishment was to extend the structure’s life by a further 10 years on a limited budget, as the site is subject to a significant future urban regeneration plan.

Before: Existing Waterproofing > 15 Years Old

Before: Ramps and Turning Circle Worn

During: Removal of Existing Waterproofing
The top deck waterproofing was beyond serviceable life and had worn through to expose large areas of parent concrete deck. Removal of the existing coatings revealed substantial areas of low-cover steel which required an innovative approach of thin-section resin repair and overbanding to some 2,000 LinM.
The top deck of this car park was re-waterproofed using Sika’s fully reinforced RB58 deck waterproofing system to provide optimum wear-ability and crack-bridging performance of the waterproof membrane across a range of fluctuating temperatures.
Included in our package of works was to complete sections of concrete repairs and localised patch re-waterproofing for ongoing protection against the ingress of de-icing salts and water to the intermediate decks. While also refurbishing the existing impressed Cathodic Protection System to continue protecting the car park’s RC soffits.

After: Re-waterproofed in Contrasting Colours

After: Bay Sizes Adjusted (Wider)

After: Light & Bright Exterior Improvement