Client: Ashton Consulting Engineers
Role: Principal Contractor
- Concrete Repairs
- Cathodic Protection
- Brickwork Removal & Reinstatement
- Roof Re-Waterproofing
- Office structure
- Cathodic protection to the steelwork on level 4
Concrete repairs internally and externally
Re-waterproofing to existing roof
The scope of this refurbishment was to carry out concrete repairs and cathodic protection of the steelwork on level 4 of this structure which was being renovated into a dwelling.

Before: Heavily Corroded Steelwork

Before: Roof Substrate Allowing Water Ingress

Before: Defective Cills & Building Frame
The steel frame within this building was heavily corroded which was causing spalling concrete and brickwork displacement. The extent of these issues to the commercial building made this work a priority for our client.
Following the removal of the brickwork and internal concrete to expose the corroded steelwork, it was cleaned and brought back to bright metal (SA2.5) via grit blasting before being protected with CPT’s ICCP Cathodic Protection system incorporating MMP discrete anode units before the reinstatement of the brickwork and internal concrete repairs.
The external cills were badly spalling and de-bonding which required repairing using a proprietary cementitious repair system.
The flat roof was allowing water ingress into the structure below. The removal of the old cast iron water tanks and other redundant elements allowed for the preparation of the roof substrate before a Vulkhem waterproofing system was applied.

After: Fully Protected Steelwork & Reinstated Brickwork

After: Watertight Overlay Of The Roof

After: Repaired Cills & Brickwork