Stairwells & Lobbies
Stairwells & lobbies are some of the most sensitive and impactful areas within a car park. These spaces, often referred to as ‘Customer Interface Areas’, are where customers spend the most time after parking their vehicles, making them a critical part of the overall parking experience. Unfortunately, these areas are frequently the most neglected, often plagued by graffiti, unpleasant odours and poor maintenance, leaving visitors with a negative impression that can discourage them from returning.

Consider this: after spending an average of three minutes finding a parking space, a customer typically spends two to four minutes navigating a lift lobby or stairwell to exit the car park. When they return, they are likely to spend even more time in these areas, particularly when paying for parking. Given the time spent in these ‘dwell’ areas, it is essential that they are designed to make customers feel comfortable and safe.
A well-maintained and welcoming environment in stairwells and lobbies can significantly enhance the overall customer experience. Clean, well-lit and aesthetically pleasing Customer Interface Areas can leave a positive lasting impression, making visitors more likely to return.

Effective wayfinding is another critical aspect of car park design. As customers often focus on other things, they might forget which level or zone they parked in. Clear memorable, colour-coordinated or numbered sections can greatly assist customers in quickly finding their vehicles.
By prioritising the upkeep and design of stairwells, lobbies and wayfinding systems, car park operators can significantly improve customer satisfaction and encourage repeat visits.