Structure Repair & Protection
In addition to the extensive work that we carry out on car park structures, Cemplas also have extensive, long-term experience of carrying out concrete repair and protection to a wide range of existing reinforced concrete structures. Typically these have been on exterior building facades such as commercial office buildings, libraries, schools, colleges, hospitals & leisure facilities, to name but a few.
As long-standing members of the CRA (Concrete Repair Association), we are able to demonstrate an excellent technical understanding of the correct, systematic approach to carrying out concrete repair works and we aim to deliver our work to the highest standards of quality & workmanship.
Since our inception in 1969, we have worked closely with our industry-leading supply partners to deliver a vast range of projects. Wherever possible, we approach each concrete repair project proactively with our clients offering the best advice and sharing our knowledge and best practise techniques. We are able to deliver our projects either as Principal Contractor or specialist Sub-Contractor and have demonstrable ability to deliver complex projects up to and in excess of £1m.